Fiverr of the day We Buy and Rate a Gig a Day Tue, 07 Aug 2018 08:19:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Gig 15, have Borat send postcard from Kazakhstan Thu, 07 Apr 2011 15:23:11 +0000 Continue reading ]]> There are a lot of “I will send you a postcard from my home country” on Fiverr, they even have their own category but nobody seem to be using them. If you sort them by “Popularity” the top one only have one thumb up. That is not a lot of reviews.Maybe $5 for a postcard is to much and that’s why nobody buys them. I will try to change that by buying at least one postcard. It will be sent to my friend, who is expecting a baby.Who else to congratulate your friend multiplying himself than the famous documentarist Borat? Searched on Fiverr and found Marix who will help me send you a Borat postcard from Kazakhstan

Message sent to seller:

The message:”Jagshemash! Gratulations from Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan!Rumour here say Magnificent xxx Make woman Have Baby inside belly!Is Nice… May kid be strong like Borats sister!”The name and adress:xxx

The result:

I was told it would take at least two weeks for the postcard to arrive. I don’t want to spoil the surprise by asking him if he has recieved anything foreign communication in the mail.Besides, I’m not sure he will appreciate the joke. Last time I made a similar joke (a sort of facerape, accepting a weird, embarrasing, friend request on his behalf) he didn’t like it. He was mad at me for days. Some people just don’t share my sense of humour.Come to think of it, maybe sending that postcard wasn’t such a good idea. I might not get invited to the christening.And maybe I shouldn’t have written about it online either…

Gig 14, your name in pee, in snow Tue, 05 Apr 2011 03:25:06 +0000 Continue reading ]]> Every time I mention Fiverr to somebody they light up and say “Oh yeah, it’s that site where you can get a guy to pee your name in the snow!” It was the first thing I ever heard of Fiverr as well. I often referred to it as the name-in-pee-site before I knew it was an awesome marketplace where you could find both logo designs and unique SEO optimized content.That is why this blog wouldn’t be complete without my name in the snow, written in pee.I searched but could only find two gigs associated with name ceremonies and yellow liquid. Pjbagels “pee then take a picture” and  Sirfreds “Write your message in the snow with pee”Pjbagel had a picture of a skilift while Sirfred had a picture of an actual name (“Rusty”), written in snow with some yellow substance. I choose to go with Sirfred since it looks like he have had some practice in the fine art of d*ckwriting.He also provided a link to the weather forecast at his destination, just like I suspect a true pee writer professional would do.

The message sent to the seller:

Hi Sirfred! I would like you to pee my name in the snow. My name is short so it should be no problem.My name is: TORE. I hope you will be succesfull. Good luck!

The result:

I got very dissapointed when I recieved the following message from sirfred:I’m sorry, we’re out of snow here! Perhaps next season? Thanks for reminding me, though, so I can put this gig on hold.Kudos to Pjbagel for telling me he can’t deliver. I’m glad he didn’t decide to cheat using juice and an ice pile outside a hockey rink. Like a proud artist he rather not deliver than deliver badly (still dissapointed though).Fortunately, there is still one more pee artist out there. His picture gives the impression that he is living near a ski resort. I bet they have snow right now.Stay tuned…

What is Fiverr anyway? Mon, 04 Apr 2011 06:41:08 +0000 Continue reading ]]> Fiverr is one of the fastest growing websites featuring hundreds of jobs that people are willing to do for $5. Whether you work in advertising, marketing or web design, you are free to buy or sell services online. Sellers are encouraged to share their knowledge to the world, while buyers can get the work done within 48 hours.Fiverr can be a legitimate outsourcing option. There are many experts, freelancers and microworkers on Fiverr who are willing to do online jobs and work from home. Some of them will create a clone script for you, while others can help promote your website or get your blog indexed by search engines.One of the reasons why Fiverr is so popular is that it features all sorts of gigs. There are people who will dance in a hot dog costume for $5, as well as artists who are going to paint portraits for you. You can hire a programmer to create PHP scripts based on your needs, but you may also ask for a past-life reading. In case you have to make a tough decision, you will find someone to help you at Fiverr.Fiverr offers different categories of services ranging from video recording and web design to writing, advertising and programming. Once you find a gig that suits your needs, you can ask the seller for more details. Payment is made via PayPal or by credit card. The best is that you can stay in touch with the seller, share files and track his progress. All in all, Fiverr is an excellent option for people looking to make money, as well as for those who need to outsource tedious tasks.What would you do for $5?


Gig 13, a digital illustration of anything I want Sun, 03 Apr 2011 16:47:41 +0000 Continue reading ]]> Last week I ordered a favicon for the site made from our logo. I thought the result looked like a red duck pointing a green ray gun at the sky. While browsing fiverr I came across Spacegnome, who will create a digital illustration of anything you want. When I saw his gig I got a flash of genius (or madness, it’s always hard to tell the difference)!  I knew he could create what I needed.Message sent to the seller:Hi Spacegnome! Awesome picture of the alien with a raygun!I just ordered a favicon, for my site , made from my logo, it was a tricky logo but the favicon turned out ok. The favicon is attached. The funny thing about the little favicon (which is supposed to be a red “5” with some green stuff on it”) is that it kind of looks like a red duck pointing a green ray gun at the sky. When I saw your picture of the alien with the ray gun I thought “I want a red duck with a green ray gun as a logo”. I would like for you to draw a red duck with a green ray gun. The red duck should look like the number 5 (like, if you squint your eyes, it almost looks the same). It’s important that the duck looks kind of like our original logo, the “5”. I can’t stress this enough. The Red duck would replace our current logo so it’s important that they are similar. I would hate to replace the favicon afterwards, as I have invested heavily in it.Best regardsToreAttached file: In other words: If you can’t have the favicon look like the logo, have the logo look like the favicon! It was time to create our new mascot; The green ray gun shooting red duck.

The result:

I present to you, the latest addition to the work force at fiverr of the day;The red duck of awesomeness:This duck will replace the “5” in the logo. He have earned it.I really like that the duck, shrunked to 16×16 pixels, looks like our favicon: Isn’t that great or what?

The verdict

Approved with merits.

Gig 12, a video review of my site, in a slight southern accent Sat, 02 Apr 2011 06:35:11 +0000 Continue reading ]]> After setting up a theme, getting a logo, a slogan, a favicon and even a text about fiverr I decided it was time to have the site rated. What do the users think of it? Is it terrible or is it the best site on the interwebs? (I would guess somewhere in the middle)Went on a search and found a lady so desperate for coffe money that she sells her time for five dollars online. MyMochaMoney is her name and she will make a screen capture video testimonial of a website!

The message sent to the seller:

Hi Mymochamoney!I just started this site: and everything 0n it (the logo, the design etc) I have purchased from somebody on fiverr. It’s time to see if the site is good or bad. It’s time for you judgement.Could you please review the site and make a video of it?I really want your honest opinion in your video. If you think something sucks, please tell me. The site won’t become awesome by itself, we have to identify the sucky parts so we can eliminate them.Keywords: Fiverr, outsourcing, freelancer.Looking forward to your video!RegardsTore

The result:

The good part about this testimonial is that Mymochamoney is talking all the time. A lot of people doing reviews get nervous (or something) and click around the site silently. Being silent is terrible considering sound being %50 of the video information output. Thumbs up for MyMochaMoney for talking a lot.The less perfect part of the testimonial is that the testimonial part of the video is a bit small. The first 1:20 if the video is about fiverr and herself. Not about fiverroftheday.To be fair: On delivery she asked me if the video was what I had expected. Thus giving me a chance to ask her to make changes. If I had purchased this kind of gig on and wanted to use it profesionaly I would have told the freelancer to redo it.The results you get when outsourcing will always be better if you are able to spend time tweaking and asking the freelancer to redo it. Your success as a buyer depends a lot on how much time you are willing to spend tweaking your purchased services. Doing so, however, takes time from your other tasks and thus decreases the benefit of outsourcing the task in the first place.A seller asking for input after delivery is a good seller. She will probably help you do changes and let you tweak the delivery until you have what you need. I could probably have gotten a better video from MyMochaMoney if I had given her the chance.However, on this site it’s more about exploring what you get for five bucks rather than spending time tweaking the gig results to perfection.The verdict isApproved, but not thrilled (still have no clue if my site is stupendous or sucky).

Gig 11, Installing a favicon in a Twenty Ten Child Theme (and make it work in Chrome) Fri, 01 Apr 2011 05:43:20 +0000 Continue reading ]]> First, I want to apologize for trying to brake one of my key rules of this site: Don’t do anything you can outsource to somebody on fiverr. I tried to install the favicon I recieved in gig five but thanks to my karma being on the negative side (due to stuff we shouldn’t mention online) I failed miserably.By utilizing Google, my standard way of dealing with small technical challenges, I managed to get the favicon to appear for Firefox users but it’s still not working in Chrome. Since Chrome will be the number one browser within a year or two (after Google conquers the earth and makes us all their slaves) I must fix that as well.When I had searched the net for a quick fix more than half an hour I realized? Why didn’t I hire somebody on fiverr instead?On fiverr I found what I was searching for, Instantprofit will help me install a professional wordpress logo and favicon.Judging from the picture it looks like he is an experienced iconographer.

The message sent to the seller:

Hello Instantprofit!I just started this site: and ordered a favicon from somebody. However, I can’t get it to work in chrome. Could you please tell me what changes I have to make to the attached files in order to get it to work in all browsers?Attached is a rar-file with my theme (and the favicon).Best regardsTore

The result:

He told me to change the following in header.php, between <head> and </head>:Delete:<link rel=”shortcut icon” href=”<?php bloginfo(‘template_directory’); ?>/favicon.ico” />And add:<link rel=”shortcut icon” href=”favicon.ico” /> And move the favicon.ico to public_html directory instead of the theme directory.I did it, cleared my Chrome cache and not it works. Still don’t know why Chrome is such a bitch when it comes to favicons (a quick search on Google shows I’m not the only one with the same problem).Even though instantprofit managed to solve my problem I wasn’t satisfied with his work. It took him seven days to deliver these simple lines of codes. In his gig description he promise to deliver within one day. Doing it in 7 is not ok.This was a test to see if outsourcing a small technical challenge was easier than searching for a quick fix on google. The result of the test is very obvious; it’s not. Google is still number one when it comes to dealing with small technical challenges.This is also my first thumb down review of a gig on fiverr. New rule on fiverr of the day: If you don’t deliver on time, you will get thumbs down.

Gig 10, ping the site and add it to a lot of review sites Thu, 31 Mar 2011 14:58:20 +0000 Continue reading ]]> When you don’t know what is good and what is terrible, follow the crowd!Lanfear63 will ping your site to a huge ping list every 3 days for a year and tag it to 800 review sites. This is one of the most popular gigs at fiverr, so I guess it’s Awesome (with a big A).Wanting to be one of the hip kids on the school yard I went along with the peer presure and clicked “order now”.In return I get a message asking me for:

  • An URL to the site
  • A 160 or so character line describing the site or service.
  • To choose a category from

The message was signed “Mark”.

Message to seller:

http://www.fiverroftheday.comIn a project to see how far you can take online outsourcing (and to amuse others), this guy will review one fiverr gig every day. Category: Internet & Online

The result:

Attached is the raw file of urls I use to submit your site too using proprietory software. There are 1164 urls and over 800 get accepted. The tag to the review sites will begin showing up in Google within 24 hours. Just type your url in and hit search eg: Thanks Mark 🙂Attached was the file tagfile.txt.

The verdict

Searched on Google just like Mark said I should do. It returned a lot of new sites:So I guess his gig did produce something. Maybe this ping thing will be the tipping point for this site with fame and fortune presenting itself just around the corner. Just like it has for all the other 800 customer of Lanfear63.It was also fun to discover the first crossdresser on Fiverr. Behind the female name Lanfear there was a nice guy called Mark. Maybe it’s a trick to make horny guys buy more or maybe it was because Mark63 was taken and in anger he chose the most evil name he could imagine.Or maybe I’m reading to much into this name thing. I just like to imagine that there are real people out there doing the gigs. It would be very sad to discover that it was Skynet competing with chinese spambots all this time.What do you think, are the people behind the gigs real? Or has the singularity already happened and we just didn’t notice that we only communicated with bots because we were preoccupied with ordering really cheap stuff online?What do you think? Is Lanfear63/Mark a crossdresser or a bot?

Gig nr 9, a SEO optimized article for five dollars Wed, 30 Mar 2011 04:00:09 +0000 Continue reading ]]> So I ordered a lot of keywords earlier. Keywords are useless if you don’t use them, so it’s time to fill this site with some quality content. I don’t have time to write anything myself so I went, as usual, to search for content creating gigs on our favourite five dollar website.Found Andra33, who will write a SEO optimized article on any topic for $5It’s nice to see a woman doing quality work instead of all the “I will show you my boobs”-gigs out there.  If you look at her other gigs it does not look like she is doing any modeling work, only SEO and content writing.

The message sent to the seller:

Hi Andra! I just started this site: http://fiverroftheday.comand now I need some good content. Could you please write me an article titled “What is Fiverr”?It should contain the following keywords:

  • fiverrclone script
  • microworkers
  • outsourcing
  • freelancer
  • online jobs work from home
  • php scripts

And any other keyword you think might be useful.

The result:

The text was delivered quickly, within 24 hours, and was really good. Andra33 made a great job. Lots of thumbs up!You can read the entire text about fiverr here.

Gig 8, find a wordpress plugin for suggestions Tue, 29 Mar 2011 14:51:04 +0000 Continue reading ]]> The hottest thing in the startup industry right now is called Lean Startups (keyword by Eric Ries) The key mantra of leans startups is to only create what your customers really need. Use customer development to find out what your customer is willing to pay for and skip the rest.In order to increase the leaniness of fiverr of the day I have decided to add some sort of suggestion tool. I use wordpress so I figured there would be some kind of wordpress-thingamajig for it.There are tons and tons of fiverr-gigs out there that has to do with wordpress installations, themes and plugins. But no service to “identify a good plugin for you”. After a bit of searching I found pure_business who will install wordpress or any wordpress plugin.Instead of asking him to install a plugin I asked him to find a suitable one for me. This was the first time I asked somebody to do something a bit different from their gig description.

Message sent to seller:

Hi Pure_Business!I just started the site: http://fiverroftheday.comI need a plugin where my visitors can suggest a gig. The plugin should be visible in the sidebar, when people click it a  a suggestion box pops up where they can write a message. Or something like that. Any plugin where the visitor can easily suggest a gig would do.Could you find me one of those plugins (I can install it myself)?Best regardsTore

The result:

He delivered really good! I recieved plugin homepage is found here.And now it’s up and running! Head over to the suggestion page to suggest a gig or something else you believe would make this site totaly perfect!Pure_business did an awesome job and delivered exactly what I wanted. The plugin is really cool

Gig seven, have a ventriloquist explain the site Mon, 28 Mar 2011 00:18:21 +0000 Continue reading ]]> What better way to explain a completely new site to visitors than using a ventriloquist and his wooden companion?Slowbeat will say anything you want with his puppet for five dollars.He won’t do anything vulgar or threatening, thats good to know. I don’t want to support an actor who does immoral stuff with his puppet. Considering how the puppet business have been declining into vulgarity lately, I think it’s good that somebody finaly takes a stand.

The message sent to the seller:

Hi! I just started this blog: I buy and rate on fiverr-gig every day. You’re next. I thought you could do a movie where you (and your friend) explains what Fiverr of the day is about. It would be a short version of this text: you do that? Do you need any more information from me?Best regardsTore

The result:

It’s awesome, right? That’s a lot of editing for only 5 dollars. I think we got a joke somewhere in the beginning as well.Having people (and dummies) talk about the site makes me feel that I’m not alone in this. People are working together with me to make this site a success. Of course I have to bribe them with dollars but still, we are doing things together.I’m really starting to like this global marketplace.
